
Friday, September 21, 2012

Expeditions to Mount Nuang

Nuang Mountain expedition. Who does not know the name of Mount Nuang a synonym for mountain climbers in Malaysia, especially in Kuala Lumpur. Little snippets and pictures during our climb to the summit of Mount Nuang on December 3 to 5, 2011. Our expedition was organized by our own Office of Human Resources, HKL, led by our own boss. Recommendations for mountain climbing is also triggered by our boss.

Bahasa Malaysia
XPDC Gunung Nuang. Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan nama Gunung Nuang yang sinonim bagi pendaki-pendaki gunung di Malaysia terutamanya di Selangor. Sedikit coretan dan gambar-gambar semasa pendakian kami ke puncak Gunung Nuang pada 3 - 5 Disember 2011 yang lalu. Expedisi kami ini dianjurkan oleh pejabat kami sendiri iaitu Human Resource, HKL yang diketuai oleh boss kami sendiri. Cadangan untuk mendaki gunung ini juga dicetuskan oleh beliau.
Mount Nuang Expedition.

The entrance to the Mount Nuang
short rest

Tent area - not up to Lolo Camp because it was full.
Kem Pacat
On the second day, we started to move towards the summit from the camp at 8.30 am. Relatively late to climb to the top. But the spirit of all who want to capture the very peak of enthusiasm.

Pada hari kedua, kami mula bergerak dari tempat berkhemah jam 8.30 pagi. Agak lewat untuk daki ke puncak. Tapi semangat semua yang ingin menawan puncak sangat berkobar-kobar.

On Our Way Up
Climbing beside the tree ranches

Helping each other
Spirit is the most important

Climbing again
And again

Still far to climb

At Puncak Pengasih

Peak of Mount Nuang
Nuang peak was reached later. At 4 pm if I'm not mistaken. Rest in 45 minutes to take a group photograph. We reached our camp kat area at 10.30pm. Never go down in the dark of night. But it was very thrilling. Not very visible reason. Total darkness this mountain area.

Sampai ke puncak Nuang memang lewat. Pukul 4 ptg kalau tak silap.. Rehat dalam 45 minit untuk ambil gambar kenangan. Kami sampai kat kawasan kami berkhemah jam 10.30 malam. Pergh.... tak penah2 turun dlm kegelapan malam. Tapi memang adventure gak lar. Sebab tak berapa nampak. Gelap gelita gak kawasan gunung ni.

Smile please

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